Sunday, November 7, 2010

November Update

Hello Ladies,

We had a Wonderful Time with our Halloween Party. Such lovely costumes were worn. Miss Amy had a wonderful time "tricking" the girls with her Gooey Table Surprises. Miss Toni had fun helping the girls make Boo Bags to share with their friends and neighbors. Each of the girls also made one for another Daisy Girl to take home. We would love for the girls to share who they shared their Boo Bags with at the next meeting.

Cookies: Cookie Sales are underway. Miss Sherri is our Cookie Mom, and any questions or concerns should go to her. We would like to have All the girls participate in the Cookie Sales, as this funds the majority of our year. Although it is not required, we would like to see our troop average about 125 boxes of cookies sold per each girl. Cookie Sales will run until November 30th, so please get your cookie sheets to Miss Sherri ASAP at the end of the sale.

We are embarking on a new Journey this Month, and throughout the Winter Season. The girls will be learning about their feelings and their environment. We also have several activities and community service projects planned, we will keep you informed.

As always, if you have any craft items you are willing to share with our troop, please let us know. If you are willing to help out in anyway, please let Miss Amy know.

For letting us use the church we meet in, we are asking for the girls to try to remember to bring non perishable items for the church food drive box to help thank them for letting us have a safe and warm place to meet.

Thank you to all the supportive parents, everyone has been wonderful.

Miss Amy, Miss Toni, Miss Sherri